Monday, October 16, 2006

Howard College Estates Fights Back

One person, Carol Reynolds, has stood in the gap for her district, and some others, in Birmingham. However, Carol can do just so much. Recently the good folks of Howard College Estates, a small neighborhood in the East Lake Area of Birmingham, have taken to fighting crime and cleaning up the neighborhood in a very practical way.
What started out as a meeting to voice our opinions and get organized as a neighborhood, now has the promise of being and creating a major impact on the community. We are cleaning up streets, simply by picking up litter. Phone numbers have been exchanged to allow for each of us contacting the other if we see suspicious activity. We also have a group called the Minutemen that respond to those who feel threatened. The Minutemen will serve the purpose of getting license plate numbers, descriptions of the culprits and simply a support group for those that feel they need help until the police arrive when a crime is being committed or when someone does not feel comfortable or safe in their home because of questionable activities in their neighborhood.
I have been told by neighbors on my street that I could not make a difference. But I have. My block is cleaner because I pick up trash. Cars that used to park in front of my home to make drug deals, no longer do so, because they know that I will turn them into the police.
It doesn't take a degree. It doesn't take a badge. It doesn't cost money. It only takes concern and the willingness to get involved. With the Howard College Estates group support, we are empowered. With Carol Reynolds as our representative we have a voice. It's a wonderful feeling to see people caring for each other's welfare, in a community setting.