Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Birmingham Area Stepping Up a Notch

For all the folks that have made the flight from Birmingham, you may want to take a second look! With the upgrades to our theme park, new beautiful lofts and condos being developed downtown and the revitalization of the main business district, Birmingham is looking sweeter all the time.

I live in the South East Lake area of Birmingham. Many of you may have grown up in communities like East Lake or your parents called these areas home. Besides the convenience to everything, you have some of the most charming homes and beautiful streets in the city. And the homes can be bought at very reasonable prices, but not for long. Many folks are realizing the potential of many of these historical areas and moving back in, remodeling and setting up housekeeping.
Birmingham has overcome many hurtles and still has many more to go, but it is on the right track to a bright future.

While traveling around the city the other day it was hard to miss the beauty of all the blooms in the trees, shrubs and flowers. These were not necessarily in yards, but along the highways and biways. Birmingham is a beautiful city. To leave it to decay is just plain stupid.

So if you get a chance, take a drive through some of the older neighborhoods in Birmingham. Check out the renovation downtown and think about how nice it would be to take a quick drive over to the Gardens for a picnic or an afternoon with the kids at the zoo. No fighting 280 or I-65 traffic. Just a short drive to all the things that make Birmingham great!


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